This potion is incredibly similar to our Charting Potion, which lets you embed Pie charts, GANTT charts, state diagrams and more directly in your Notion pages. Check it out here:

Charting Potion — Gantt charts, state diagrams and more in Notion

With that done... first, log in to your potion account below and click to copy the URL for your chart.

Paste this link into your notion page and select Create Embed.

Load the embedded page and resize to make things a bit cleaner

Select Edit Widget to pull up the inline HTML editor.

For this tutorial, we're going to be embedding a Quote of the Day. We visited this page, selected Use this Widget on the Quote of the Day, and copied the results to the clipboard.

Next, we paste the results into our editor and get the following

With our fully customized widget in place, select Lock widget to secure your widget for sharing with the public. After a bit of resizing, we get the following:

And that's all there is to know! Happy potioning.