You can create charts by embedding unique links into your Notion pages. Log in to your Potion account below and click to copy the URL for your chart.

Paste this link into your Notion page and select Create Embed.

Load the page and resize the diagram to make things a bit cleaner

Select Edit Diagram to pull up the MermaidJS editor. You should see something like the following:

Navigate to the MermaidJS documentation and choose a diagram to test. For this demo we'll be using their GANTT chart. Copy the markup and paste it into the MermaidJS editor. If you chose the same one, you should see something like this.

Now that we're comfortable with our diagram, select Lock Diagram to save it's output and prevent anyone you share it with from tampering with it. Resizing and cleaning things up a bit we're left with the following

And that's all there is to know! Happy potioning.